How to care for dry skin naturally
Now we get into a deeper discussion about how we cope with this, the problem of dry skin. Believed to be a natural way will always give better results although as we know the time needed for this is much longer than the ways that instant, but the risk is quite alarming. Similar to how to care for dry skin naturally. Some of the following ways very much recommended, and in fact we've written this earlier. The first is the consumption of water with the appropriate number of widely recommended so that your body adequately hydrated. It will be able to make our skin fresh and will also youthful. Then later, if we must often out of the house during the day which is quite hot for a variety of purposes, never forget to always apply sunscreen to avoid the negative effects of sunlight. There is also a good idea to always provide and use other protective as well as umbrellas, caps, or other well-covered clothing. Replace soap we use soap made from soft, and it would be better if you choose herbal soaps are said to not be too scrape moisture from our skin.
Another important thing to do is, always oleskankanlah lotion that suits our skin all over the body in an orderly way every time we after a bath and bedtime so that your skin remains supple and healthy. In addition, olive oil is also very well known properties and can be used as an alternative instead of body moisturizer. Then the most important thing is the consumption of foods that contain lots of vitamin E in it and also B12. Both vitamins are excellent for keeping our skin rejuvenation. With many foods that contain these 2 vitamins then our skin will always look fresh. Which vegetables containing two nutrients that we have stated that, if your friends do not know, that the two vitamins are found in many green vegetables, then the fruit, milk, cereal and wheat, various nuts and much more . Well, not sulitkan actually, but the problem is sometimes so we want to discipline or not to implement how to care for dry skin this everyday?
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